Program Leadership

Residency Program Director

Associate Program Director

Associate Program Director

Vice Dean of Graduate Medical Education
Key research focus areas
Our UW PM&R faculty serve as local and national leaders with a wide range of service to our profession and the patients and community we serve. Our flagship clinical and research focus areas include three model systems of care, and the Sports Institute.
Model Systems of Care
A Model System is a center of excellence for both treatment and research related to a particular disability. It is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). We are home to two model systems, focusing on burns and traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

Northwest Regional Burn Model System
As one of four burn model system centers in the nation, the NWRBMS conducts research on priority topics for burn patients. The Burn Team aims to maximize recovery for patients through exceptional care, education, advocacy and research.

UW Traumatic Brain Injury Model System
The UW TBI Model System seeks to improve care and outcomes for people who have experienced a Traumatic Brain Injury.
The Sports Institute at UW Medicine

The Sports Institute at UW Medicine® works to expand participation and safety in sports. Since its founding, The Sports Institute has led first-of-its-kind efforts to legislate safe return to play across all 50 states and to advance best practices in sports safety.
All Department of Rehabilitation Medicine faculty contribute to the clinical training, growth, mentoring and scholarly activity of our residents. Here are a few examples of what they have to offer.
- Expedited ASIA ISNCSCI Exam (E-ISNCSCI) - Developed by the E-ISNCSCI Subcommittee of the ASIA International Standards Committee: Stephen Burns, MD (subcommittee chair), Keith Tansey, Kristen Walden, Steve Kirshblum, Mary Schmidt, John Steeves, and Dan Graves. Video training links
- UW Medicine: Interview with Janna Friedly, MD about amputation, limb loss, prosthetics and Shaquem Griffin: Video interview link
- H.R. 6172, Protecting Student Athletes from Concussions Act: Stanley A. Herring, MD: Testimony link
- Ileana Howard, MD and her “very important mission” - Saluting one of VA’s Top Docs during Women’s History Month
- Racing the Planet: Ultra-marathon Medicine with Brian Krabak, MD: Video Link
Faculty videos
See some of our faculty in action through the videos below.
Aaron Bunnell, MD - 5 New Things in Rehab
Leah Concannon, MD - Youth Sports Concussion
Deborah Crane, MD - Managing Chronic Pain After SCI
Stuart Weinstein, MD, Janna Friedly, MD, and Heidi Prather, DO discuss the 2018 PM&R Editor’s Choice Best Original Research article, Anxiety and Insomnia in Young and Middle-Aged Adult Hip Pain Patients With and Without Femoroacetabular Impingement and Developmental Hip Dysplasia
Molly Fuentes, M.D., MHS - Rehabilitation Needs, Practice and Outcomes for Children after TBI
Mark Harrast, MD & University of Washington doctors discuss the common causes of low back pain, debunk some low back pain myths, and demonstrate exercise and preventive strategies.
Marla Kaufman, MD - Spine: Back in Action
Brian Krabak, MD - Treating Meniscus Tears
Cindy Lin, MD - Easy Home Exercise During COVID-19 Pandemic
Christopher McMullen, MD: Platelet-Rich Plasma in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis
David Morgenroth, MD - Research Grand Rounds, Lower Extremity Amputee Rehabilitation, Prosthetic, Prescription and the Functional Quality of Life